This website is my offering of what I have learned about awakening the magick of Avalon in every day life. 💫

There is nothing quite like the feeling of finding home.

I spent years of exploring different religious traditions such as Zen, Bhakti Yoga and Contemplative Christianity and many New Age explorations. Yet I always found my deepest spiritual peace and connection in Nature., and I have always believed intuitively in Nature’s power to heal us on many levels.

For this reason, my life is devoted to celebrating, cultivating, preserving and protecting wild spaces, where Nature thrives freely.

In 2014, my friend Nina gave me a copy of the Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley and in those pages I found the outline of the spiritual path my soul was longing for - a path of celebrating and inquiring into the deep stillness, the magickal feeling of presence I find in Nature, in well-kept groves of trees, in flower fields, fern-glens and encounters with faerie-folk.

I was already practicing permaculture design and astrology and following the phases of the Moon, yet I didn’t have a framework for bringing it all together.

This Summer Solstice 2022, for the first time I visited Glastonbury, England. Prior to my arrival, I never knew that Avalon was actually a real place full of real sacred sites. I’d always thought it was simply a legend.

What I have learned through my life’s adventures and studies is that Avalon’s spirit lives in many, many places in the World and Avalon’s magick can be called upon at will.

This website is my offering to the legacy of Avalon.

Carter N. Tracy, M.Div

Astrology ~ Human Design ~ Tarot ~ Success Coaching ~ Integrative Counseling

Cartier in the Stars


Moon Manifesting Workbook